"Ramadhan tb, ayo smua smangat puasa! mohon maaf lhr n' bathin yea!!!"
About Yunita Yustikasari
Age: 24
Hometown: Arjasari, Indonesia
Interests: Maen Komputer, Maen Game, Nonton, Baca Komik
Music: Japanese Music N' Musik Yg Agy Nge_hitz Za
Movies: Naruto The Movie, Ayat" Cinta,
Friends of Yunita Yustikasari
Cowok.Phonesex.08976050808 Nice
Portgas D. Glory J.C Twenty Three
Yovie & The Nun0 The-Chessmaster
Pngen Tmbh Dwsa?Bruan Jd TmnQ Wie2d