vicarley mass

"beauty always has to be gratified....."

About vicarley mass

Age: 22

Hometown: Kenya

Interests: mingling..meeting new lux..

Music: hippop..R&Bs..naija music..locals..

Movies: transformers...robocop...hercules...

Friends of vicarley mass

Terryjean Wawira

Bianca Minaj

esther adasha

Nancy Patra

Diol 95


Sylvia Syvia

Rian Ravena


yvonne EDDAH

abbey gikaru

Trishya Patriq

Diffrose Mghoi

Tesie Love Akinyi

Nadia Valary

Dainty Love

Nancie Nungari

judith ochako

Jedidah Muange

Star Shaz

Veroh Shak

Jayne Achieng

Greyce Gagacias

Gideon mulinge Mwikuyu
