kayra rathod

"Zoo Players Plz Add Me...."

About kayra rathod

Age: 24

Hometown: India

Interests: There are some people who can make you smile, and some who make you cry, but it takes someone special to make you smile with tears in your eyes

Music: Apologizing does not always mean that you are wrong and the other person is right. It just means that you value your relationship more than your ego

Movies: Karma will give back what you have given out. Be very careful with your actions.

Friends of kayra rathod

CaLl MeE GaMeR



Saidul Islam

nana kophy addison

MaJiD..... hmon YAS dg :)

Safowan Hossain

dandan runas

Thiago B!

[email protected]!.£.L...? U.L.L.O.A

I Know Myself ? ¥ ¥ Pavel

Razib Islam

Neha Anjum

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!shuvo !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!mir

Bruna Lopes

Cinthia Contreras

Ahmed ßë$T -.-.-Täkï-.-.-


Alexandre Melo

~*Yuri Cardooso^*


SEXY 7515
