"Time is beauty"
About kate loyola
Age: 27
Hometown: Philippines
Interests: to be come a nurse
Music: rock music
Movies: blood twilight the breaking dawn and fast and furious any episode
Friends of kate loyola
Mio Osborn
Charles Arcinia
Rheniel Samonte
maRicaR gaCaYan
Arwin Oyeman
ferdinand ondis
Kaizer Ervi Mojica
Rokki Garay
torero.. yummy
Ian Pogi
jake gonzales
Jhonell Hilario
Archt. Arvin cantarona
Lorenz Secuya
Maverick Mendigorin
mariyam athysha
kevin diaz
ed gomes
Mark justine Lojo palay
bhoz chris zhypher....
naitsirhc eduj
John R8
Kenny Klien Cerilles
Jhem gtt
Daryl Zafra
Jhonel Capila
Ruben Omongos
nerfe pizarras
ryan moreno
Ajie Garcia
T.J Ram0s