[email protected]

"Çíhìñ[email protected] ítù ßú[email protected]ñ §ümßèr ß@[email protected]ì@,[email protected]í kètí@ð@åñ Çhìñ[email protected] [email protected]ðì §úmßér ðërì[email protected]"

About [email protected]

Age: 29

Hometown: Indonesia

Interests: Føóð ß@ll,[email protected]ñÇíñ9..... [email protected]ñçíñ9 Ç...,.è.,....w.....é[email protected]§úðñÝ@.!!!

Music: @ll mú§ìç 9w §ù[email protected],§è[email protected]éñ krøçóñ9.

Movies: §hìñç[email protected]ñ,Ðø[email protected]êmØñ,tøm & jèrrÝ,ðll ý9 pñtñ9 [email protected]úÑ lúçü.

Friends of [email protected]

Lydia Tirta

ella tinambunan

Nabila Lunna

Mey [email protected]

Rara Cupid

Aiyu Sby

Indah Ajjah

Anik KuNimItSu..^^

Chacag4 Im0et

Fitri Ayuni

sHe zHa VigNerz

Im legend Of the qeep

Keysha Reinada

,,..,, ..,,..
