"Beda itu indah"
About cyL phIe
Age: 24
Hometown: Indonesia
Interests: muSic, book, browsIng inTrnt, byK tmN,shbT,pny pCr
Music: Smua Lgux d'masiv n nIdji i Like it cz q masiver's n nidjiholic bLack eyEd peas,mCr, ferGIe,daviD cooK,LyLa,heLLo,tHe cHangcuTers.
Movies: GarfieLd,ayAt-ayAt cinTa,bring iT on serIes,hArry poTTer sEriEs,27 dresSes,kunTilanak serIes,chArLie n the chocolate factoRy, taRix jaBrix, waLL E.
Friends of cyL phIe
Portgas D. Glory J.C Twenty Three