alimou dollariste barry

"betwen i great my all friends man end men if you need to speak with me 942960800"

About alimou dollariste barry

Age: 30

Hometown: Luanda, Angola

Interests: buisness for gett money to becom strong meking end kepping only money end prayer for allah after life witch alls friends of wolds

Music: bob marley morgan dj fill colince garro end smoll zouk for think ebaut my nana because i need shi

Movies: only love

Friends of alimou dollariste barry

Ann Ciku

Paméla guimarães Guimarães

Virgílio thomas mesaqui Mesaqui

L seu cufa

paty gouamba

Georgina Adelaide

Silvia Oliveira

Mamadou alimou barry Barry

natalia esdra garcia

Anderson Marck

thatiana naomi

Angella Don
