Ze Monatja Oa Seboba

"Miracles happens only 2 those who believe in them"

About Ze Monatja Oa Seboba

Age: 40

Hometown: Maseru, Lesotho

Interests: volleyball, athletics,soccer, going-out

Music: dancehall,pop,rhythm and blues

Movies: Cradle to the grave

Friends of Ze Monatja Oa Seboba

Queen Thely Rakabaele

Jane Thafz

Motselisi Lali

Peggy Mots'oene

sunshine jen jen

cecilia molefe

Lerato Kwabetsi

Kuena Kuena

Mbk Sojane

Felleng Sofonia

Makhetha Maneo

monae ndyi

ranthamane maneo

Victor Rantso

Lerato Lebona

Amoh Phoenix

Joy Powell

Lerato Molelekoa


retso2 retso2

Princess Mohatle
