Vedha Shree

"SeLf ImPerFecTiOn is BetTer tHaN IntImAtEd pErFEcTioN" - BhagAvAd gItA"

About Vedha Shree

Age: 22

Hometown: Tiruppur, India

Interests: DreAmiNg in a DarK RooM,,, MovIeS,,, CrIcKet,,, SoNgS. . .

Music: YuVaN ShaNkaR RajA, AR RehMan and all SuRyA soNGs. . .

Movies: InDIan, ThuPaKKi, VaRaLarRu, GenTlE mAn and All SuRyA's fIlmS. . .

Friends of Vedha Shree


Siva Kumar
