V3 Smiliasari

"chance u'r live with a smile"

About V3 Smiliasari

Age: 32

Hometown: Indonesia

Interests: Jogging,bc Buku Smp Nguantuk,Shopping Kl Pas Dompet Pnh,kl Kosng Yach..Pegang2 Doank Dah Ckp,make A Friend,learn Smthing New,pgn Tdr Enk,tp Susah Bgt

Music: Pop,rock,hip-hop,r&B,ap Aj Dech,asal Gk Yg Mellow Gt.,

Movies: Dah Gk Prnh Liat Film,gk D Wkt.

Friends of V3 Smiliasari

Helios SunShine
