"Life's sh0rt...s0 plaY NaKeD!(",)"
About Uhm dnt ask c0z i w0nt tel u .....mmm?
Age: 25
Hometown: Bethlehem, South Africa
Interests: i luv meetng new ppl! partyng mmmmhm! uhm chiling wit m fwends nd jst cuddling up wit sum h0t ch0clate, a blankie nd a gr8 m0vie wit that special guy!
Music: Anythng reali, music is the best f0rm 0f c0mmunicati0n, s g0 nd listn 2 sum sakie sakie nd c wt u thnk...(",)
Movies: Horors, Oooh! luv them...twilight, grandmas b0y, the da vinci c0de, a walk 2 remember, the green mile, etc etc...
Friends of Uhm dnt ask c0z i w0nt tel u .....mmm?