SiddHARthusH -RaThorE

"I aM a HoT Dude wItH mY Cool ATtiTudE,..,"

About SiddHARthusH -RaThorE

Age: 23

Hometown: India

Interests: Rap nd Hip-Hop, Singing, Pocketpool, Ch8ing, Sleeping 2 much, nd Eating 4 much

Music: AtiF AsLaM,GurPrEEt KauR,Enrique,Linkin, AkoN,SnoOp dO0gS, SikaNdar Khado, dis all of my singers bt i listern this songs on my mood

Movies: BoL,TujHe MerI KasaM,TuM bIN, HuM AaPke Hai KaoN, BodYguArd, RocksTar, Hills have eyes, At the Days, Love in Spanish,

Friends of SiddHARthusH -RaThorE

Abhishek Chauhan
