Sara None of your business

"I will embrace death "

About Sara None of your business

Age: 23

Hometown: Raleigh, United States

Interests: Art, Music, Singing, Dancing, Hockey, Figure skating, Anime/Manga

Music: Simon Curtis, Blood on the Dance Floor, Bass Hunter

Movies: Titanic, Phantom of the Opera, Schindler's List, The Hobbit, and others that I'm too lazy to type

Friends of Sara None of your business

michael j


Connor Minton

Brandon Moreland

Eric Mendoza



James belville

dakota gross

Gary Jensen

kelile roberts

dj f

Bryan Poole

cisco alverez

Benjamin Collins

alec martinez

Randy Beerbower

Kyle Stephens

Adam W

kristina Elliott

Jesse McKnight

Mando Marquez

Joshua Breazeale

perry roach

brian cox

justice lovely
