Rose Barnum

"If your going to be a creep i will block you. just warning you."

About Rose Barnum

Age: 23

Hometown: Lawton, United States

Interests: Making friends around the world that are not creeps. love to learn about how other peoples lives are.

Music: All kinds

Movies: Divergent, green mile, pitch perfect, all the hunger games movies, the note book, the perks of being a wall flower, blood diamond, all Disney movies.

Friends of Rose Barnum

vEz0 ShiJoh Naga

Gavin Keswisky

Kevin Qubee

Robert Adams

billy west

Diego milo Castillo

Md Mahimuddin Laskar

Johnny kaster

Stephen Hilan

reshma aunty

Justin raj

mike yoder

Fidelino mulima

rich ask

Mitesh Mali

JP Oeltjenbruns

Mark Colwell

hassn D Sufiyan

tammy rantz

Christian Piper

Kassandra Angel

Dylan Carroll

george christy

enoch darko

jon garbison

Dezarae McNeil

LaMiyah Mills

Tierra Gunn



sam Chathuranga

Hannah Green

James Land
