Portagoku Gomez

"porta-mejor rapero-goku mejor anime"

About Portagoku Gomez

Age: 22

Hometown: San Salvador, Guatemala

Interests: Las mujeres

Music: Rap hip hop

Movies: Terror

Friends of Portagoku Gomez

Zely Cruz

/ \ / \ /{$w33t Añg3|} \ / \ / = = = <>=== emo ===<> = = =

Gracielita O.R

noe lopez

ayelen mariana chazarreta

Wilfredo Hercules

the crackss

hsjzxc jkdjsx

sara Gabriela Juarez

Chris Barcellos

Cris Martins


Rob Fuegos

Lucero Daniela

Argi Castro

kevin rivas

Manuella Malu


darren warne
