OneLove 0043

"Seek A Heathy HeArT rather then A Trouble HeArT. Am Nt One Of This, Try it Out"

About OneLove 0043

Age: 27

Hometown: Papua New Guinea

Interests: playing sports, fishing, diving and hanging round wit friends.

Music: country music's, dangdut n bik techno + png hits.

Movies: Dectective movies lyk Blood Diamond, Money Balls n No way Out.

Friends of OneLove 0043

Ade T'sol


Chrissy chissybee klexten

Philomena Maoni

Wau Mero

dheanaldolynelle bz

Shinell Blondii

Lizzyluv5 Lalu

Robin Ali


blessing james

flora tamateihoura

asSilem tana

Nuzhat Nidhi

Regan Turner

Wau Mero
