Ngu ngay kay dem Bigbang n0.1

"I want t0 make a killing $_$"

About Ngu ngay kay dem Bigbang n0.1

Age: 23

Hometown: Vietnam

Interests: Nge nhak ,0ln, ch0j the tha0,game,d0k truyen,xem h0at hjh

Music: Kp0p,antj vp0p

Movies: Fjm uyh nhau,tc,haj, ma, h0at hjh

Friends of Ngu ngay kay dem Bigbang n0.1

kUpI dOnG

= = => Nh0$ [email protected]<= = =

Do Duy Don {DJ kenny Don} ¤_¤

...»... ?...¥êµ...¶v¶ìÑh...«.. *(''·.¸(''·.¸*¤*¸.·'')¸.·'')*

.:!|!:._.:!|:. ":v.anh:"

Seob's Yukkie

