Neko Yandere

"Nyu n.n"

About Neko Yandere

Age: 22

Hometown: Guadalajara, Mexico

Interests: Conocer Emos e Ir a Japon n.n.. Anime.. Gore... Ecchi.. Yuri... Mirai Nikki y Elfen Lied.. Kuroko No Basket y Death Note

Music: Vocaloid.. Pxndx.. Allison.. Asking Alexandria.. Pierce The Veil.. Sleeping with sirens.. Black Veil Brides.. Rock Punk Hardcore Ska-p y Metal llmll

Movies: Terror Horror Anime Gore

Friends of Neko Yandere

ana chavez

Gustavo Torres

Lim eun kyeung Lim eun kyeong mina emmo

kall madara

Sergio barcenas
