"I don't Care STFU"
About Neha Cheteri
Age: 25
Hometown: New Delhi, India
Interests: Watching MoviE anD cluBing
Music: R&B
Movies: AdVantUre And lOve StorY
Friends of Neha Cheteri
anjali singh rajpoot
abhi awana
cool guy cool
Arpan Tripathi
Viraj Gautam
sumit sharma
mohammed waseem
dev choudhary
petyy mansilla
HeartiLixious Neeraj Verma
akshay bhasin
parvesh khatri
pravneet Singh
gonzalo gimenez
sangita das
katrina palvin
Imran Wani
Amit amit
Samir Shaik
baggha baggha
Gitesh Chavan
amit yours
Vignesh Elangovan
Aditya Manna
mohit m
anil singh