Luna xxxxxx six xxxxx

"^ ^ oi ^^"

About Luna xxxxxx six xxxxx

Age: 21

Hometown: Joinville, Brazil

Interests: Fazer amigos jogar conversa fora kk

Music: Slipknot,system of adown,pitty avril lavigne nirvana,banda gloria hevo 84

Movies: Terror

Friends of Luna xxxxxx six xxxxx

claudinei nei

Oi eu sou o Luis Vitor *-*

henrique sutorillo

Jardel & Adelane


alejandro sebastian centeno

Samuel Ambrósio

Kelvin Roseira

Angelo Angelo roots

rodrigo santos

Renan Marino

Thomas Riuston


Felipe Augusto

tyano lopes

rafael santos

Matheus Santos


David Albuquerque

Tiago Correia

Felipe Menez

Juninho Alves
