John .

"Pl$ Onl¥ Gud Frnds, i [email protected] Gud Frnds to [email protected]£ My Feel!ng$ and [email protected]"

About John .

Age: 26

Hometown: Chennai, India

Interests: [email protected] Gud Frnd$, [email protected]!ng,[email protected]!ng Gam£s, [email protected]!ng tv, [email protected]!ng with K!ds,Sp£ak With Frnds,Sleep!ng, [email protected] $ong$, H£lp othERrs etc

Music: [email protected], Sw££t Melodies, Som£ T!mes D£pend On M¥ Mood, Lov£ Mu$ics, D£[email protected] Mus!cs etcc

Movies: Lov£, SEnt!ment, ComEURd¥, Horror Mov!es

Friends of John .

Mushtaq Ahmad
