Ishika [RICHA]

"i AM crAzY AboUT qeep:-)"

About Ishika [RICHA]

Age: 26

Hometown: India

Interests: -WatcHiNg t.V [dAy&nIgHT] -I HaTe sChOoL -fiGhTiNg WiTH jErk BOYs [nT PhySICalLY ] -i WAnT To RIdE BiKe[hehe but i am only 15] -mAke up hehe

Music: -AtiF -kk -justin bieber -akOn -pInK -ENRiqUE -rIhAnna[rUDe bOyS] -WIllOW smITh[21st century girl] maNy mOre :-*

Movies: -hehe many -3IDIoDts- -ravan- -hathi mera sathi[english]- -cabin fever- -blade- -dracula- maNy mOrE:-D

Friends of Ishika [RICHA]

Mohanbabu Babu
