Ernest Israel

"What is worth doing for the future is worth doing well n best today...."

About Ernest Israel

Age: 25

Hometown: Abomey-Calavi, Benin

Interests: Adventures,Traveling,Reading,Football,Creating opportunities,Meeting people,Singing.Motivating Youths,Cultural activities.

Music: Hip-Hop, Gospel, R n B, Rap, Highlife beats, Raggae, Rock n Roll, Accapella, Blues.

Movies: Crime To Christ,behind A Smile, Legend Of The Seeker, Merlin, Lord Of The Rings,Expendables, Jumong?,Osufia In London, Red Mafians, Pirates carribean.

Friends of Ernest Israel

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Marole Idoya

Teepee Landine

sinzogan marie laurette


Musa Mukhtar

Victoria Mwatile

Idowu Adebayo bukola

Grace p Nwokocha

Prince Precious


Akwuobi Onyeka

Mouftaou Yessoufou

Salome Sodokin

Matias Mario Manicaga


Osodi Stella
