Eliza Sharzz

"Its bettr to fall 4rm a tree n brek ua leg than 2 fall in luv n brek ua heart"

About Eliza Sharzz

Age: 21

Hometown: Kikuyu, Kenya

Interests: Swimming ,watchn muvies,going 4 walks etc

Music: rock n riddim

Movies: Legend f da seeker ,vampire diarie,continuum etc

Friends of Eliza Sharzz

Francis Christopher Sesay

Hussein Cursehim

C¥us Maina

mohammed ally

Paul Kiriro

Teddy cyg

Joe Lamar

Felix Kumah

martin davis

Deedy Sexy

Nasurdiin Kakeeto

Francis Christopher Sesay

b Mwangu

Joseph Ajogwu

Jay Mayas

Mark Dean

Castiel Njoroge

Emmanuel Clinton5s

Derrick Abbas

Micheal Smith

Dj Raul

dante mxee

Ptah Mwenyewe

Tony Mokaya


