Elaine kobayashi

"Poptarts! Poptarts! Poptarts! \(^-^)/ LetThePopTartsFly ♡poptartsaresexual c; "

About Elaine kobayashi

Age: 22

Hometown: Beverly Hills, United States

Interests: My Girlfriend Rebekka <3 May 4 , 2014 :*

Music: ♡Alesana ♡Of Mice and Men ♡Bring Me The Horizon ♡Get Scared ♡Bullet For My Valentine ♡Slayer ♡Miss May I . & More

Movies: ♡The Perks Of Being a Wallflower ♡The Nightmare Before Christmas ♡Coroline ♡Edward Scissors Hands ♡Corspe Brides & More

Friends of Elaine kobayashi

Raquel Santiago

Kayla Black


Justin Ramsey

Hannah lee

Joe Ungerer

ali amr


WheresAustin? FoundHim!

Brandon Taylor



Cody Clemans

Carlos Oritz

Avery Beckles

slug london

Jackson smith

mahmoud aqrabawi

Joshua wade

Jon Payne

christian regalado

roger vanwormer

Adam (I'm Real) Why do you need to know?

mark schlarb

jose a

david bravo

nik nik

Shadrack Mukisa

Benjamin Hermosisima

walter l

Angelo De Leon
