Dave 1187

"Keep it simple,keep it clean"

About Dave 1187

Age: 19

Hometown: Manila, Philippines

Interests: All chess player..,who can defeat me.

Music: Oh no!too many!

Movies: Death note 2 the last name,happy feet prt.1and2,Ice age continental drift,Life of pi,puss in boots,S.W.A.T,and how to train your dragon

Friends of Dave 1187

tell me first why you wanna be my frnd? then i"ll c :)

Yen Capistrano

jeimard dagoc

Jonalie Narisma


Deo Kenneth Castro

Faith Fernandez

Princess Victoria Bethany Evangeline Renee

Frilyn Medayo

Isabella Oliveira

Erza Scarlet

Sweet Girl

Aii Ynna Ah Jin

Sunray In Your Life

Abbie Lim

Princess diana Magtalas

cute anoya

Janice Gais

Neryc Orebuc

Bhebz Pracio

jenny llamido

Kam'Aquize Spn jearawanon

Aslam Haamid
