Clement Justin

"Am jux Chillin makin Million Gettin Dfferent Numba Through at Me lyk a Dice Roll"

About Clement Justin

Age: 27

Hometown: Nigeria

Interests: Chatting, Meeting New Friend, Having Funs, Sport ( Field & Track Event), Music, Movies, Traveling,.. So Much More

Music: (1)Thriller; Michael Jackson (2)Bitches Love me; Lilwayne ft Drake, (3)Thrift Shop; Macklemore (4)Don't jugde me; Chris Broounwn (5)Bedrock; Y. Money

Movies: (1)Pirate of the 7 Seas (2)Mr Bean's Holiday (3)Spirder, Iron, Super and Batman. (4)Xmen; The Last Stand. (5) Merlin{1 to 6} (6) Twins Mission.

Friends of Clement Justin

Ugo Johnson

rose diamond

uchechi queen

priscillia angel
