Brian Dacula

"There is a way to make happy when you are in pain."

About Brian Dacula

Age: 23

Hometown: Philippines

Interests: reading books , playing basketball and playing computer

Music: Opm and rnb

Movies: the lord of the rings

Friends of Brian Dacula

Kristin Craso

Kim Hernandez

Almsie Orencio Magno

Mhay Arellano dolom

Janice Gais

Sherilyn Silvestre

Brian Dacula

kaye tee

Jahzeel Erich Cabatingan

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Niña Arañas Chance

CryingLeaf Nami

leah cute

Mylz Lou

Liann Zurc

vaneza villamar

Foreign Mar Palang-at

Eden Latang

.Nathan Com.

Riena Macapagal

lily rose Concordio

Grace Cruz

neethu das

Gela Gulle

diego ferreira
