"Yang terbaik bkan slalu yang terindah !!!"
About Agel Void
Age: 9
Hometown: Afghanistan
Interests: Nothing
Music: Emo,scremo,punk rock,reagge1/2 metal
Movies: Smua b'genre horor
Friends of Agel Void
Sathya Narayana
Greg Dalton
Blue oam
Trisna Widayanti
kiki Popuri
thalutchuw sangad
~oNe mUtZz~ A_cUy
Si borokokok Aden89
Bosco Tandu
Joker Chang
Denis Aden
Tomi Wahyudi
Indra Neoera Neoera
kill the rival
Opi' ..
Saifulla Khaled Bhuiyan
Nicky Aq
The Beatles
Galih Hadian Erpan
Aldi Wahyu
diemaz _abcd
Ibhel Unique