ATTA muhammad

"I love my friends"

About ATTA muhammad

Age: 38

Hometown: Badīn, Pakistan

Interests: Don't dwell in past,don't dream of the future,,concentrate the mind on the present moment.

Music: I arise in the morning torn between a desire to improve the world,and a desire to enjoy the world..this makes it hard to plan the day

Movies: All the art of living lies in a fine mingling of letting go and holding on.

Friends of ATTA muhammad


Viktor Godic

Nikesh ks


Estela Nunes

Ahmed ßë$T -.-.-Täkï-.-.-

Ali Hassan

M.Sana Ullah Farooqi

s Bilal

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Adil 1522

....JaVid pLayeR.... m0hammadi

iram khan

3tare Sh

Amna Waseem

Juliana Da silva

lore ramirez

zorritaxxx prostituta

Johana Solano

. !-PALLAVI- S-!


Mari Escorcia


anuuuuu hulan

yOyO Its meH rOckEr

Burki Khan

CREUZA. santos

María Pérez lópez

@[email protected]@o. [email protected]@[email protected]@[email protected] (-(-)-)Qeep(-(-)-)

Shabi Shazi
